A Yearlong Study Inside the Yoga Sutras of Patajali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is regarded as a deeply respected and influential text on  yoga. The text is a collection of aphorisms, on the theory and practice of the Eight-Fold Path. These aphorisms are seeds of wisdom that offer a roadmap for living a meaningful life with greater self-awareness and presence. 

Most of us enter the world of yoga engaging the physical practice. The benefits include more strength, flexibility and coordination which can improve our overall health. But at the end of the day, the practice of yoga includes much more… Patanjali shares that the meaning of yoga is to harness the fluctuations of the mind as opposed to letting the whirlings of the mind control our lives from day to day and for many, hour to hour. This systematic approach includes diving into our understanding of suffering and all that keeps us from joy and happiness one step at a time. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali give us a clear strategy to discover the space between thoughts, and a wholeness that already exists within and ultimately guides us to less reactivity and more conscious living.

In creating this course, my goal is to spark your adventure into the deep teachings of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali—a journey overflowing with endless wisdom and life-changing possibilities. Think of it not just as a course, but as a source of inspiration and support, always there to light up your path whenever you're in need of insight or comfort. In addition, it's a gateway to a beautiful community, where kindred spirits come together, diving into an exploration of ancient wisdom and igniting sparks of growth and connection along the way.

Starting in September 2024, we embark on a deliberate exploration of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Throughout each month, we'll delve into the 16 Sutras (196 throughout the year) with a series of meticulously crafted resources, immersive pre-recorded lessons including: Philosophy Lectures, Guided Meditations, Journal Prompts, Sutra Imagery, and more.

In addition to these resources, we'll gather together each month for a 90-minute Live & Interactive Workshop. These workshops are designed to breathe life into the Sutras through Philosophy Lectures, Practice Sessions, and the highlight of the program: Interactive Discussions and Community Connection.

Each of the 12 Live & Interactive Workshops will be recorded, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the rich discussions and practices, regardless of their availability to attend in real-time.

Program Details

In this program, you will develop a comprehensive understanding of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, immersing yourself in its profound teachings and timeless wisdom. You'll learn techniques for mastering the fluctuations of your mind, cultivating inner peace, and honing your skills in meditation and mindfulness practices. With practical strategies for integrating yoga philosophy into your daily life, you'll gain insights into the nature of suffering and its alleviation, fostering greater self-awareness and conscious living.

Moreover, you'll equip yourself with tools to navigate life's challenges with resilience and equanimity, supported by a vibrant community of fellow seekers.

Ultimately, you'll apply the timeless wisdom of yoga to modern life, fostering holistic well-being and a sense of purpose in your journey towards self-discovery and fulfillment.

Learn, Discover & Develop

Course Questions & Answers

When does the course begin and end?

Seeds of Wisdom begins on September 1st, 2024 and ends August 31st, 2025.

Are there any prerequisites or recommended background knowledge for enrolling in this course?

The teachings of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are universal and accessible to all participants, regardless of prior experience or familiarity with yoga philosophy.

What is the structure of this course, and how will the content be delivered throughout the year?

Each month, participants will access 16 lessons covering philosophy lectures, guided meditations, journal prompts, supportive pdf translations, and more. Additionally, there will be a 90-minute monthly live and interactive workshop for lecture, practice and community discussion. All recordings and content will be delivered within the Wisdom & Practices platform.

Will there be opportunities for interactive discussions?

Yes! This course is designed to foster lively and engaging interactive discussions. Each month within our Live & Interactive Workshops, you'll have opportunities to participate in dynamic conversations, share insights, and connect with fellow learners. Your input and perspectives are not just welcomed but cherished as they enrich the learning experience for everyone involved.

How long will students have access to the pre-recorded content & live workshops after the course concludes?

Upon completion of the course, students will continue to have access to both the pre-recorded content and live workshop recordings for an additional 12 months. This extended access period allows for continued study, review, and integration of the teachings beyond the course duration.

Are there required readings or suplimmentary materials that students should acquire before the course begins?

No, there are no required readings for this course. However, I will offer a suggested reading list for those who are interested in further exploration. Additionally, ample pdf translations and supplementary materials will be provided to support your studies and deepen your understanding of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. You'll have everything you need to engage fully with the course with the option to delve deeper through suggested readings at your discretion.

Will there be opportunities for 1:1 mentorship?

Optional 1:1 mentorship sessions will be available throughout the yearlong study for students seeking personalized support. These sessions offer dedicated time for individual guidance and tailored assistance in navigating your journey through the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Additionally, participants can benefit from a discounted rate for these exclusive sessions, enriching their learning experience.

What is the schedule for live sessions and how will they be conducted?

Our Live & Interactive workshops will be conducted monthly via: Zoom. While the detailed schedule will be released quarterly, as a general rule, workshops will be held on weekends at 11 am PT. It's important to note that these workshops will be recorded for the convenience of those unable to attend live. This ensures that all participants have the opportunity to benefit from the content, regardless of their availability.

Is there a recommended commitment of time each week for studying?

There's no strict recommended commitment of time each week for studying. Students have incredible flexibility and can progress through the material at their own pace. While planning for about 1 hour per week is suggested, this can be adjusted based on individual schedules and preferences. Whether you choose to move quickly or take your time, recordings will be available for 12 months after the program ends, allowing for extended study and review as needed.

If I have questions or need assistance during the course, will someone be available?

Yes, absolutely! Throughout the course, I'll be readily available to assist with any questions or concerns you may have via: email correspondence. In general, you can expect a response within 72 hours. Your inquiries are important, and I'm here to provide guidance and support whenever you need it throughout the yearlong study.

What is your refund policy?

This program is non-refundable. If you're unsure whether it's the right fit for you, please reach out before making a purchase. I'm here to address any questions or concerns you may have about the course.

  • I am growing so much, at a pace and in new ways than ever before and our time is a key component in that unfolding.

    Jennifer H.

  • I left with a foundation on which I can build my practice every day. I have the fundamentals to grow my mat and in my everyday life.

    Estee C.

  • Thank you for sharing your truth and light and for doing so with such candor, integrity and for the reminder thatt there is room for all.

    Christine E.

  • Savitri is extremely knowledgable and went the extra mile to make sure I understood what was being taught. I feel enriched beyond measure.

    Tracey F.

  • Your high standards, teachings and personal insights have allowed me to learn more everyday. I have a solid foundation from which to grow.

    Leticia W.

  • I benefited from this program that exceeded all expectations. She has a way of leading you outside of your comfort zone to embrace your potential.

    Kate B.